To begin with , a clarification on the scope of the society. Since there are several societies in Cambridge dedicated to classical and popular versions of European/American music, we have decided to limit ourselves to all musical traditions apart from the ones mentioned above.We shall,however include all forms of European and American folk music within the scope of our Society.
Whether it's the South American rhythm or Flamenco-dancing or Indian classical vocal short,if (almost) anything musical turns you on, this is YOUR society. You need not necessarily have to be a performer (you can, indeed be of great service to the society listening to the din we create in our rehearsals!) to be a positively contributing member of the Society. However,in case you are a performer ,we are just too glad to include you within our swelling ranks of 'informal musicians: we make music for its own sake' [wow,that almost sounds like a band!].
No,we are not a band:though a novel orchestra with some rather uncommon combination of instruments is an idea some of us are toying with.Do come to our informal jam-sessions, listen,perform,suggest....we are so looking forward to seeing you there!!

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Our Concert Calendar
April 13th 2002: Indian classical and folk music and dance evening,'Bliss',held at Wolfson College.
April 28th,2002: Invited concert at Clare Hall President's Lodge.
October 26th, 2002: First Informal Concert (alternatively known as The Grand Squash) from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College, Cambridge .
November 2002: A Bedtime Story:a play with live music, on at Pembroke New Cellars, Pembroke College, from 26th to 30th November ,2002, at 10pm everyday.
January 2003: The Chinese New Year Concert at Trinity Hall, on 26th January
August 2003: A Bedtime Story: shows at The Fringe, at Edinburgh from 10th to 24th August, at the C3 auditorium on Royal Mile.And we get 4 stars in our review by the Fest magazine!
Michaelmas 2003
Forthcoming event: The inaugural concert